
25 Marvel’s Most Powerful Characters

Here are 25 of Marvel's most powerful characters.

25. Deadpool

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Initially depicted as a supervillain of the New Mutants and X-Force, Deadpool was later portrayed in the stories as an antihero. He is the alter ego of Wade Wilson, a disfigured Canadian mercenary with superhuman regenerative healing abilities. He is known for his incessant jokes and resilient style. He may not be your pick, but Deadpool is a deadly fighter.

24. Vulcan

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Vulcan is an Omega-level mutant that can psionically manipulate, control, and absorb vast amounts of energy. Vulcan has also displayed control over exotic energies such as Cyclops’ optic blasts and magical energy. He has used his powers to produce light, heat, force, and electricity. He can also warp or disable large amounts and different types of existing energy sources and tap into and suppress mutant energies. He can survive in the vacuum of space and fly.

23. Skaar

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Son of the Hulk and Caiera the Oldstrong, his old power heritage grant him superhuman strength. Skaar can lift at least 90 tons. He possesses superhuman strength and durability; his fire-resistant skin can rapidly regenerate wounds. His skin is harder than stone, and Skaar can manipulate stone and rock.

22. Hyperion

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He is a nemesis of evil who tries to understand humanity while trying to serve people. His origins are similar to that of Superman. He also has similar powers to Superman, including X-ray vision, super hearing, super strength, flight, etc. Hyperion is vulnerable to his own version of kryptonite, called Argonite.

21. Silver Surfer

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The Silver Surfer wields the Power Cosmic, which grants him superhuman strength, endurance, and senses. It also allows him to absorb and manipulate the universe’s ambient energy. His powers have been compared to Thanos’s, but Thanos is more ruthless. He can heal and create life.

20. Hercules

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Hercules possesses the typical powers of an Olympian god. They include superhuman strength, durability, speed, reflexes, stamina, and endurance. He is one of the strongest Marvel characters and has taken on Thor, Hulk, Ares, and Sentry. Despite being a demigod, it is possible to injure him, but he can recover quickly.

19. Galactus

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Galactus is as popular as he is powerful. He feeds off of energies. You could say he eats planets and feeds on their energies. He was once named Galan and is from another universe. Galactus is immortal. He can survive anything, including the end of the universe. He can travel as fast as the speed of light. He also possesses the Ultimate Nullifier, a weapon capable of destroying worlds.

18. Master Hate

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His name alone should tell you what he’s capable of. Master Hate is the brother of Mistress Love and is supposedly more powerful than her. He basically holds all the hate in the Marvel universe. Now, that’s a lot of hate. He is credited for every act of violence and hatred done in the Marvel Universe. You can call him evil.

17. Master Order

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He co-exists with Master Chaos, and together, they balance out the Multiverse. Alongside Death, Eternity, etc., they were all resurrected during the Big Bang. With Lord Chaos, he co-created the In-Betweener. He can make practical decisions which makes him more of a rational thinker than Master Chaos. If they were to face off, of course, Master Order would prevail.

16. Oblivion

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You can call him the death of a Universe. Everything about him screams non-existence. He embodies it. He is also against the growth of a cosmos. Oblivion may choose to materialize anywhere he wants and is unaffected by a mortal realm. He also can grant powers to agents and avatars to act in his name.

15. Scarlet Witch

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Scarlet Witch remains one of the most powerful mutants in the Marvel universe. We didn’t really know all of her strength until she appeared in the MCU. She has since become one of the most popular characters. You do not want to cross her when she wants something. Her magical powers help her create her own realities. We think there’s still more to her.

14. Thor

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Thor is one of the most interesting Marvel characters. He is an Asgardian god. He possesses limitless powers. He can manipulate the weather (this includes throwing lightning bolts), fly across space at the speed of light, etc. He can destroy worlds and is also indestructible. Thor possesses the strength of a god and is a ruthless warrior when he needs to be.

13. Odin

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Think of all the power an Asgardian would possess; whatever comes to mind is what Odin is. He possesses the power of Thor but is way more experienced and wiser. This makes him the strongest Asgardian. He is the King of Asgard and therefore, the most powerful entity in his universe. He also possesses the power to absorb the abilities of other Asgardians.

12. The Infinities

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The Infinities are three abstract creatures who possess so much power. They became famous for roaming the multiverse, and harmonically, they realign the energy of each universe they visit. Many believe they are more powerful than Infinity because he needed the help of the Avengers when they decided to rearrange the planet and stars.

11. Amatsu-Mikaboshi

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Amatsu-Mikaboshi is an ancient force adapted from Japanese mythology. He was discovered in a dark, primordial void by the Shinto gods Izanagi and Izanami. He is an ancient enemy to both Thor and Hercules. On two occasions, he defeated Zeus and almost conquered Olympia. He also enslaved the fallen gods of Olympus and defeated Galactus.

10. Thanos

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The Mad Titan. Thanos’ popularity knows no bounds. He became a household name after his appearance in the MCU. There is something fascinating about him that makes you want to scream. He’s as thoughtful as he is ruthless. He is nearly unstoppable with the infinity gauntlet. He defeated the Celestials while wielding it. He also craves peace.

09. Death

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When you think of Death, you think of how old she is. She is as old as the universe. She is one of the most powerful Marvel characters born after the Big Bang. Because she is a fundamental force, she has no genuine physical form. She appears in ways that can interact with physical creatures. She has been associated with Thanos for motivating his Infinity Gauntlet saga.

08. Infinity

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Some names tell you all you need to know before asking further questions. Infinity is the embodiment of the endless possibilities of the universe. She is more than you can think or imagine. She is a sibling to Eternity, Death, Oblivion, and Galactus. Majorly feminine, she can unite with abstract eternity to embody the universe as a whole.

07. Phoenix Force

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The Phoenix Force signifies unborn life, the powers of creation and destruction, making him one of the earliest known cosmic phenomena. It is known for keeping many hosts and, most recently, has been associated with Jean Grey of the X-Men. Only its host can die, but the Phoenix Force always lives because it is immortal. It is a very complex character.

06. Kronos

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Kronos is a peaceful Eternal. He is famous for battling and defeating his war-craving brother Uranos to become the sole ruler of the Eternals of Earth. He can exert control over the souls of the deceased. He has similar powers to Galactus and Zeus. He is way more intelligent than them.

05. Franklin Richards

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Franklin Richards is the son of Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible Woman of the Fantastic Four. He was born a mutant and began manifesting his powers early. This was unlike other mutants whose powers manifest at puberty. He is one of the most powerful mutants ever. He can create pocket-sized universes at will. He has been called an equal to The Celestials.

04. Eternity

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Eternity is all about existence. He existed before the creation of the cosmos. You could say he is basically older than them all because he is. He is a celestial creature who never dies, never ends and wields enormous power. Calling him a being would be wrong because he isn’t that. Eternity is everything that exists and will outlive them all.

03. Living Tribunal

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The Living Tribunal is an interdimensional entity. His job is to ensure the smooth operation of the whole Multiverse. He is not limited to a particular reality like Marvel’s cosmic pantheon. He acts immediately the Multiverse is threatened. The Living Tribunal possesses great power and is unstoppable. He can cancel the abilities of the infinity stones. He can also dominate an item from a single universe.

02. Beyonder

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To call Beyonder powerful would be an understatement. Calibbr notes that “he is so powerful that he left all the Marvel Beings (Death, Infinity, and so on) and Ultimate Cosmic Entities (Galactus, Stranger, and The Living Tribunal) at his mercy.” He was initially the God of the Marvel Universe and answered to no one.

01. The One-above All

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If power had a different name, it would be The One Above All. That’s basically what his name is. He is the Omniverse’s top entity. No one is above him, and no one can try to be. He is superior to all cosmic forces and abstract entities, including The Living Tribunal. You cannot see or touch him unless he wants to be. He can also wipe out universes with a blink but chooses not to.

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