
Best Ankara Styles For Men

Guys enjoy looking good. Guys enjoy dressing nicely. To accomplish this, they either wear casual clothing such as jeans and shirts, a suit for an official outing, or native clothing such as Ankara. Men, of course, wear Ankara! Fashion is for everyone, and so is the Ankara fabric. The appealing, colorful prints look great on men of whatever age, race, or color.

Hence, in this article, we’ll share our picks for the top ten Ankara fashions for guys, which you should add to your wardrobe if you haven’t already. If you’re looking for the right style to take to your tailor, go no further. Your search for an Ankara-style plug is now behind you. Let’s get into it now, shall we?

10. Ankara Two-Piece

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The most popular Ankara look for males is this one. It often consists of a top made from this fabric, with either shorts or pants. They are ideal for formal events, business attire, and religious gatherings. Also, you can alter the fit of the shirts on your two-piece outfit to achieve the style you choose.

9. Ankara Mix-and-Match

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This fabric can be used with a plain-colored one or even another material to achieve this. This encourages creativity and produces a variety of colors. You can complete the look with your fave pair of slip-ons or sandals. Some shoes won’t be wrong too.

8. A Touch of Ankara

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This is typically done when wearing Afro-urban clothing or in circumstances where your fabric is insufficient. Cut a piece of Ankara and sew it on critical areas of your shirts, tees, or bottoms to get this. It could be on the breast, neck, or pocket. You can create various forms from it to experiment with patterns.

7. Ankara Suits

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Try on an Ankara suit if you wish to dress formally differently. It combines Afrocentrism with Westernization. The newest Ankara suit styles are your best chance to look like your authentic African boss, whether you wear a full suit or just a blazer. It’s not required for your suit to match the hue of your pants. Perhaps the pants might be a primary color and the Ankara jacket, and vice versa.

6. Ankara Bottoms

This fabric can create a pair of shorts or pants that you can wear with a shirt, polo, or t-shirt. Ankara bottoms give you versatility much like their counterpart, the tops. In other words, you may create any appearance with it, whether for formal office wear or casual, business casual, or smart casual.

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5. Ankara Tops

Use this fabric to create a shirt or tunic that you can wear with your favorite pair of jeans or plain-colored pants. They may terminate at your waist or reach your knee, depending on your fashion. Additionally, you can choose any length for your sleeves. When opting for a two-piece, the same rules apply. Ankara tops offer flexibility because you may mix modern and traditional clothing by pairing them with other textiles.

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4. Symmetrical Ankara Tracksuit

In this stunning suit made of symmetrical Ankara cloth, you may go out for brunch with friends or run laps on the track while appearing as cool as a cucumber. The use of symmetrical designs is always wise. They look lovely and enhance the wearer’s appearance, regardless of gender, occasion, color, or form. You can sport this look with stylish sunglasses and great pair of sneakers.

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3. Ankara Jackets & Hoodies

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Ankara jackets can switch up a casual ensemble. It’s understated and not tacky like some might think a full Ankara costume is. The design itself isn’t that bad, but the clever positioning of the design makes it stand out. It’s a small illustration of how distinctive Ankara prints are.

You can also utilize the prints to sew and style your hoodies. This is one of the most inventive Ankara designs for men that stick out. You can add as much or as little Ankara print as you like to spice it up. Additionally, you can have it vibrantly colored to match any pair of pants you choose to wear your Ankara hoodie with. Some boots or sneakers would also come in handy.

2. Ankara Ties

Sometimes keeping things simple and elegant is the best course of action, and an Ankara tie that matches your business suit flawlessly will enable you to do this every time. Moreover, the fashionable appearance powerfully conveys that you still value your suit collection and adore Ankara. So it’s completely worth it to wear this cleverly placed tie, which you can also wear as a bow tie if you like the style.

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1. Statement Ankara Piece

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This Ankara fashion features specific, frequently exclusively African patterns and designs. This style allows you to choose something that will stand out with any Ankara print of preference, depending on the pattern picked. However, remember that not all fabrics can provide this result, so you might want to choose carefully.

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