
Marcus Harvey – Malume

South African R&B/Soul sensation Marcus Harvey has unveiled his latest single, “Malume,” and the song is already creating waves in the music industry. Released under STAY LOW RECORDS, the track lasts 3 minutes and 45 seconds and showcases the depth of Harvey’s vocal prowess and production skills.

“Malume” offers a profound blend of smooth melodies and heartfelt lyrics that delve into themes of love, personal growth, and cultural identity. The release timing could not be more perfect, coinciding with Global African Music Week, which celebrates African music’s heritage and future.

Online reactions have been overwhelmingly positive, with fans taking to social media to praise the single’s emotional depth and Harvey’s sophisticated vocal expression. Notably, the song has already climbed to the top of several streaming platforms’ R&B/Soul charts, reinforcing Marcus Harvey’s status as a force to be reckoned with in the genre.

Marcus Harvey, known for his unique blend of traditional and contemporary sounds, continues to push the envelope with “Malume.” The single exemplifies how he bridges the gap between South African musical roots and modern R&B/Soul aesthetics, making him a standout contributor to the genre’s evolution.

For those looking to experience an authentic fusion of heartfelt lyrics and soulful melodies, “Malume” by Marcus Harvey is an essential addition to any playlist.

Malume – Single

Artist: Marcus Harvey
Genre: R&B/Soul
Release Date: June 21, 2024
Track Count: 1
Explicitness: notExplicit
Copyright: ℗ 2024 STAY LOW RECORDS


# Title Artist Duration Status
1 Malume Marcus Harvey 3:45 Released


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