
ANC Deputy President Paul Mashatile’s Position Uncertain Amid DA Threat

Drama and intrigue are part of politics, and if you are looking for politics without both, you might be on a long thing – As the saying goes. Take South Africa. for example.

If you are a follower of South African politics, you already know that the deputy president to Ramaphosa was removed a while back and Paul Mashatile assumed the position. Yeah? From the look of things, the new deputy president himself is in a shaky position.

His position is not only threatened, but the major opposition party in South Africa, the Democratic Alliance (DA), is braying for war while also looking to take the deputy president’s position as part of the formation of a government of national unity.

The DA and the ruling African National Congress (ANC are not the best of associates and have fought each other sporadically. So the latest friction between the parties which is threatening the deputy president position is in no way surprising.

The question remains whether Paul Mashatile will be able to weather the political storm that appears set to engulf him and rob him of the second citizen position in the Rainbow Nation.

If her survives this, then South Africans would go on to talk about his political acumen. otherwise, he would be remembered as another deputy president who lost his position as a result of intrigues in South Africa’s political space.

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