
Bryoni Govender Praised For Standing Out From The Pack At Miss Universe

Beauty queen Bryoni Govender has earned the praise of her compatriots for ably representing South Africa in the ongoing Miss Universe beauty pageant.

Growing up, Govender, who is of Indian descent, was insecure about her skin tone. But that is in the past now, having come into her own. In fact, she’s the fan favourite back home in South Africa, with many rooting for her to win at the finals tomorrow, Sunday, November 19,  in El Salvador.

Govender has been praised for her distinct look, with many saying that she stands out from the pack. Whether this observation would translate to victory for her on Sunday remains to be seen. But then, it feels good to have the support of a whole nation.

Sunday is just a few hours away. if Govender should emerge victorious, it would be a grand affirmation of nature and a truly memorable win for a lady who at some point was insecure about her skin tone.

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