
Burna Boy Shares Opinion On Fake Life And Celebrity Lifestyle

An insightful observation regarding friendships and having a large or small circle has been provided by Grammy-winning musician Burna Boy. Regarding the relationship between social circle authenticity and celebrity lifestyle, he said on his Snapchat account that people want to linger around locations where their genuine nature and characteristics aren’t put into question, and they can easily integrate into these artificial circles. Burna Boy claimed that the more fake a person is, the broader their circle of friends tends to be.

He asserted, however, that when a person embodies authenticity and realness, their circle of influence grows smaller since most people are afraid to reveal their actual selves to others because they believe that their phony lifestyle and bad decisions will expose their flaws in real and true circles.

Netizens took to the comments, as many tried to point out that the statement was a slight dig at fellow colleagues in the industry.

He wrote;

“The faker you are, the bigger your circle will be. The realer you are, the smaller your circle will be. These are well-known facts.”

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