
Despite Corruption Charges, Zizi Kodwa to Retain MP Post

While this might not be the best of times for South African politician Zizi Kodwa, who is facing graft charges, we would certainly be pleased with the reality that he can still still hold to his position as a member of parliament despite the charges against him.

The former minister of sport, arts and culture is standing trail alongside Mackay. As a result of the corruption case, he resigned as minister of sport, arts & culture. Howrver, that did not stop his swearing in this week as a member of parliament.

This move caused quite a buzz online, with some South Africans wondering why he should be MP when a corruption case is still ahbging on his head, with the likelihood of a conviction.

If there is one man who is pleased with the current turn of event, it is Zizi Kodwa himself. As an MP, he is in a position of power and that will likely divert attention from the his corruption case.

Zizi Kodwa joins several others, including members of the MK Party, who were sworn into parliament this week. How long he will hold to his MP post despite the graft charges is unclear but the coming days should reveal a lot. Stay tuned.

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