
DJ Melzi On Claims He IS The Son Of IEC Cpmmissioner Dr Nomsa Masuku

He is one of the young DJs in South Africa’s music universe who has actually made some impact. So, of course, there are bound to be stories about him and his family, too.

Right now, the rumours making the rounds online is that he is the son of the Electoral Commission South Africa (IEC) commissioner, Dr Nomsa Masuku. So what does he have to say about the rumours?

Beyond claims that he is related to the corruption-accused IEC commissioner, it is alleged that he is a beneficiary of her corruption, with some pointing to his R4 million Mercedes Benz as proof.

The songster felt strongly about the allegations enough to address them. He denied the claims outright, pointing out that he is neither related to Dr Masuku nor does he have any relationship with her.

He went on to point out that his parents are extremely private people and he wouldn’t want them to be dragged into any social media drama. You can check out the post below.

Some people were inclined to believe him but some expressed doubts about his claim. Either way, he has made the point he wanted to and he has no control over how people react to the same.

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