
DJ Tira & Wife Gugu Khathi’s Time Out In Las Vegas

South African singer and record label producer DJ Tira has just shown, once again, that he isn’t too worried about the recent allegations against him. He would live his life to the hilt and people and say whatever they please about him.

The songster recently took a trip to Las Vegas with his wife and the two had a good time in the city, spending time in the pool at some point.

Taking to his official Instagram page, the Afrotainment boss shared two sides of them together. The first was a picture and the second was a video. Both showed them in the pool, with the second slide also giving a seep of other people having pool times as well.

In the caption to the post, the songster described his wife as his ride or die, echoing the exact phrase she had used to celebrate him on his birthday last year. You can check out the post below.

The Las Vegas trip followed the bombshell claim by the singer Luke Ntombela that he had sex with her without her consent. He had denied the claims back then and even threatened her with legal action. But she wouldn’t back down.

In Vegas, he made it clear that life must go on.

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