
Duduzile Zuma Celebrates New Position As Member Of Parliament

Tuesday, 25 June, was a symbolic day in South Africa, as 58 members of the MK party, including Jacob Zuma’s Daughter Duduzile Zuma, were sworn in as Members of Parliament.

This meant so much to the controversial DuduZIle that she bragged about it, calling herself the hottest member of parliament. She might have a point here, perhaps. After all, she is a spitfire of sorts in South Africa – never afraid to share her thoughts on issues.

In fact, many see her as her father’s righthand man, an ambitious lady who is never afraid to stand up for her father and fight his battles like her own.

Her swearing-in as a member of parliament is especially symbolic because she had rejected the elections of May 29 (alongside many other MK party members), as well ed the opening of parliament and the presidential inauguration.

Beyond that, she had spurned the invitation to be part of the Government of National Unity which had to be formed because the ruling African National Congress failed to achieve a clear-cut majority.

Anyway, she had no qualms about her swearing-in as a member of parliament. This is an important moment for her and she isn’t afraid to point to it being sexy.

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