
Empty Bag? Tweeps Scoff At Robbie Malinga’s Versace Shopping

As a celeb, you are forever in the eyes of the public. You are being watched, and the public almost always has something to say about your actions or inactions. Robbie Malinga Jr has just been baptised with this reality after what was supposedly a shopping trip at the boutique.

In a post shared by controversial blogger Musa Khawula, Robbie Jr could be seen leaving the Versace star, a bag supposedly containing his purchases in hand. However, some netizens who saw the image were unimpressed.

According to some of them, what was before their eyes was nothing short of empty swag. They believe the bag he was holding was empty, and Robbie himself had tried to pass across the idea that he was loaded and having a good time spending his money. You can check out the post below.

We cannot independently verify if the Versae bag was actually empty or not. Whatever happened at the designer store is entirely up to Robbie himself. People can only talk and talk.

By the way, Robbie is the son of the late musician whose name he also bears. He is clearly no closer to taking his father’s place in the world of South African music.

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