
Fleurhof Woman Tried To Escape Shooter

Eyewitness says Fleurhof tried to run from her shooter.

According to a new report by SowetanLIVE, a bank employee was shot dead on Wednesday money while she tried boarding a Metrobus in Fleurhof, Roodepoort. The publication writes that the 40-year-old woman tried to run for her life.

She is reported to have tripped and fell on the road before she was shot twice by the hitman who boarded the bus earlier. An eyewitness stated that the man, dressed in a cream top and wearing a had, highlighted from the bus as they were about to board, and opened fire at close range.

According to the eyewitness, who asked to remain anonymous fearing repercussions, he and two women were waiting for the bus when the man began shooting before 6 on Wednesday morning. He said,

“When he got off, he did not speak to anyone or ask anything. He just started shooting. I was the last one, as I was still on the ground as the women started boarding the bus.“

“They tried to get back [out of the bus] , the women ran around the bus, screaming, then I heard the shot. I was also running, seeking safety. I didn’t see where he [shooter] ended up.”

“It was strange for someone to get off here because this is where people board the bus,” said the man.

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