
Illegal Initiation Schools: Two Boys Reported Dead In Gauteng

It is the wish of good parents to see their children grow, and that their children be the ones to bury them. For them, there is no greater tragedy than being the ones burying their children.

But as happens now and then, life does not always go the way people hope or visualise. This reality played out in South Africa recently, with the death of two boys in initiation schools in Gauteng.

Stories of boys being illegally initiated are not new in South Africa. They just don’t get as much airtime as other crimes in the Rainbow Nation. In the current incident, several young boys were reportedly taken against their will for an illegal initiation.

They were eventually reported missing and the search for them began, culminating in a couple of arrests. Sadly, two boys died in the illegal circumcision exercise in the Gauteng province.

While investigations into the case continue, the Provincial Initiation Coordinating Committee has encouraged parents and guardians to repo their concerns. It provided numbers and contact persons in this regard.

With the authorities currently looking into the whole drama, it will be interesting to see what the outcome will be and if illegal initiations will continue regardless. Stay tuned.

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