
Indecency : LASU VC Outlines Dress Code For Students

Indecency : LASU VC Outlines Dress Code For Students 2

The Lagos State University (LASU) has made it against the law for students to dress indecently on its campuses and has given professors instructions to prevent students who are dressed indecently from attending courses.

The university’s Vice Chancellor, professor Ibiyemi Olatunji-Bello, gave the order in a circular, noting that the students “have persistently disobeyed the institution’s laws and regulations on dress code.”

The VC also requested all provosts, deans, department heads, and faculty officials to ensure that students in their respective colleges, schools, and faculties are appropriately attired.

Indecency : LASU VC Outlines Dress Code For Students 3

The dress code stated that students shouldn’t “wear transparent dresses, tiny and skimpy dresses, and other items showing sensitive portions of the body,” according to the circular.

The law also stipulates that students are not allowed to wear shirts with inadequately buttoned sleeves, flying collars, frayed and unclean pants with holes, face caps, or complete face coverings with very dark glasses.

“Wearing of tight-fitting apparel; wearing clothes that reveal sensitive body parts; wearing shirts and tops with obscene, obnoxious, or provocative annotations; wearing face caps or complete covering of the face (very dark glasses); wearing “baggy, saggy, or ass level clothes and any other form of indecent trousers.”

Male students are not permitted to wear earrings or necklaces or braid, plait, or bind their hair.

The circular said that female students were not allowed to have “bad, untidy, overly hair extensions or colored artificial hair, brightly tinted hair/eyelashes/brow, fixing of long eyelashes, nails, or artificial dreadlocks.”

This action comes as a result of the current cry by university lecturers on the amount of indecency they are exposed to amidst talks of “sex-for-grade” scenarios growing every day.

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