
Jessica Alba’s “Trigger Warning” Pops Out To Mixed Reviews From The Public

One thing about films is that there is rarely a shortage of opinions about them, good or bad. The reality is the same no matter the producers of the film, established and famous or not.

Week after week, this reality stares in the face those who care to pay attention at all. With Jessica Alba’s “Traigger Warning,” there is the same reality.

Directed by Mouly Surya and available on Netflix, this film tells the story od a Special Forces commando who returned to her homestown after her father’s sudden demise.

Determined to find answers about his death and more, she started asking questions to get to the root of it all. Ther result is herhaving a brush with a local gang and things take even more dramatic turns.

Now, a flick with such a storyline looks like something bound to snag the attention of many viewers with suspenseful thrill and more. But the ratings so far hasn’t been quite encouraging

Yeah, while some viewers priased the work for its fierce appeal and action, a sticky criticism is that it lacks depth – certainly not the first Jessica Alba film to have got such a mixed verdict.

At any rate, the producers have done what they wanted to, and people will always talk anyway, for good or ill.

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