
LL Cool J Remains Critical Of Andre 3000 Ditching Rap For Playing Flute

LL Cool J, a hip-hop legend, recently appeared on The Shop with Lena Waithe, expressing his disappointment with André 3000’s decision to release an album of flute instrumentals instead of a rap album. LL Cool J, who has been relevant for longer than some rappers have been alive, criticized Andre for giving up his calling as a rapper. Despite appreciating Andre’s artistry, LL Cool J was frustrated that he was not using it to make a hip-hop album. During the interview, Lena Waithe defended Andre’s album, describing it as calming. However, LL Cool J compared it to his release of a violin album rather than a rap album. He argued that André 3000’s fans were eager to hear him rap again and not play the flute.

In addition to his criticism of other artists, LL Cool J was willing to be honest about his work. He admitted to making bad albums in the past but explained that he sometimes makes records just for himself and other times for the culture. LL Cool J also noted that he likes to express himself in different mediums, whether it be acting or music. LL Cool J’s criticism of André 3000’s decision to release a flute instead of a rap album has sparked a debate among hip-hop fans. While some appreciate Andre’s artistic expression, others are eager for him to return to his roots as a rapper.

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