
Marise Pollard’s Latest Pregnancy Update

For fans of Marise Pollard, the wife of Sprinboks star Handre Pollard, it’s update time. It is no longer news that the sports wife is pregnant. The news is that not only is she in her final trimester, she is pretty close to giving birth.

The latest update came from none other than Marise herself. She had taken to her Instagram Story where she welcomed the new month of April and shared a bit of a surprise about how time flies and how she will be giving birth to her son this month.

She wasn’t specific on the day she would give birth, But her stating that she would have her son this month was enough for a lot of people, They congratulated her on the journey so far and the pleasure of having her baby soon.

Marise Pollard'S Latest Pregnancy Update 2

The latest post followed a series of other posts she’s made in the past about her pregnancy, letting fans in on the journey. previously, for instance, she’d shared a scan result which showed her baby smiling in her womb. You can check it out below.

Marise Pollard'S Latest Pregnancy Update 3

Well, much like Marise herself, fans can’t wait to embrace the good news of her having given birth finally.

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