
Mbalula’s Load Shedding Promise Clip Resurfaced, Sparks Controversy

South Africans React to Unfulfilled Promises as Power Cuts Continue

In a recent development that has sparked widespread discussion among South Africans, a video clip of Minister Fikile Mbalula discussing the end of load shedding has resurfaced, leading to a wave of reactions on social media. The clip, which dates back to an interview with JJ Thabane on eNCA in May last year, features Mbalula making a bold promise that load shedding would be a thing of the past by the end of 2023.

The resurfacing of this clip comes at a time when South Africans are grappling with the reality of continued load shedding schedules, announced on the first day of the new year. This has led to significant disappointment and frustration among citizens, who were hopeful that Mbalula’s promise would materialize, especially after experiencing a couple of weeks without power cuts during the festive season in December 2023.

Mbalula’s statement in the interview was clear and confident: “Load shedding – before the end of the year – should be a thing of the past.” He further assured that the issue would be “reversed” and “dealt with decisively.” However, the onset of 2024 has proven otherwise, with load shedding still very much a part of daily life in South Africa.

The reaction on social media has been swift and critical, with users trolling the minister for his unfulfilled promise. The video clip has been widely shared, leading to discussions about the credibility of promises made by those in power. One social media user even questioned the legality of such unfulfilled promises, asking, “Shouldn’t he be arrested for lying?”

This situation highlights the ongoing challenges faced by South African households and businesses due to persistent power cuts. Years have passed with numerous promises of change, yet the situation seems to have worsened, leaving many to question the future of the country’s power supply and the reliability of political promises.

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