
McKenzie To End Gangsterism

New Sports, Arts and Culture Minister Gayton McKenzie pledges to end gangsterism with Sports.

PA leader Gayton McKenzie was recently appointed the new Sports, Arts and Culture Minister by President Cyril Ramaphosa during his cabinet reveal. McKenzie promised to stop gangsterism through sport and pledged to make “spinning”(drag racing) an official sport.

According to a report by IOL, Ramaphosa announced his long-awaited Cabinet which helped foster the Government National Unity (GNU) partnerships. McKenzie had previously stated in talks with the ANC that he was interested in getting the position of home affairs minister. He also stated that he was open to other posts.

He took to the X app and shared plans that he will be working on. He wrote, “Spinning and stance is not a crime and you are going to see… I am so excited because I promised that spinning in South Africa will be recognised and I am going to keep that promise. I am going to make spinning one of the biggest sports in this country.”

He also stated that he will stop gangsterism with sport.

“We are going to stop gangsterism with sport.”

McKenzie plans make all artists to benefit from his office.

“Watch our artists, television must tell our stories… I’m going to be one of the best ministers,” he said. His enthusiasm was well received and appreciated.

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