
Municipalities Grumble Over New Tender With MTN

While some South Africans were still fuming over the outcome of the May 29 elections, as well s the formation of a Government of National Unity (GNU) as a result of the ANC being unable to get a clear-cut majority, MTN sealed a de; with the South African Government to install, manage and maintain smart metering programmes across the Rainbow Nation.

The move itself had many people fuming, with some claiming that it would take away power from the municipalities and hand it over to big business.

Beyond that, it is claimed that the president was merely helping his pals and associated with easy tender money here.

The deal with the government is said to be a three-year affair and would see to the digitisation of about 257 municipalities.

While the whole render seal with MTN Business is still buzzing across the Rainbow Nation, it is unclear yet what the telecom service provider would pocket from the deal. Despite questions on what it might be, there are no answers to that yet.

Anyway, the deal has once again thrust the president into the spotlight, with some South Africans making irreverent jokes about him, with the Phala Phala Farm drama thrown in. Life.

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