
Mzansi Chuffed As Maps Maponyane Steps Out With Shudufhadzo Again (Photo)

At this point, are Maps Maponyane and Shudufhadzo Musida still denying that they are dating? It is doubtful that anyone would believe them at this point anyway.

With the endless flashes of couple goals – pictures and videos of them having the best time together and generally enjoying each other’s company, South Africans have seemingly decided what’s going on between the two.

The latest picture of the two together was shared by the popular gossip blog, which also identified the beauty queen as Maps’s alleged girlfriend.

The picture resonated with many South Africans, who thronged the comment section to share their thoughts on the same, with some suggesting that the beauty queen’s appearance has changed a bit.

Last we checked, the post had been viewed over 600k times, with over 8k comments, indicating that the picture resonated with many South Africans.

Beyond that, fans were also in the comment to affirm that at this point the two are obviously dating, and they wish them well in their adventure of love. See the post below.

While the public debates their relationship, the two have managed to stay quiet on the same, choosing to just let people think and say whatever they please. Time will tell where this leads to.

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