
Olajide Adeniji Steps Forward As A Former Classmate With President Bola Tinubu’s

Affidavit Confirms President Bola Tinubu's Education At Chicago State University

In a recent development that has caught the attention of the media and political enthusiasts, a man named Olajide Adeniji has come forward with an affidavit, asserting his association with President Bola Tinubu during their academic years. The affidavit, which was deposed in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, has been presented at the Northern District of Illinois Court in Chicago. In it, Adeniji swears that he shared classroom space with President Tinubu at Chicago State University.

This revelation comes at a time when speculations and discussions about President Tinubu’s educational background have been rife. The affidavit serves as a significant piece of evidence, potentially putting to rest various rumors and conjectures surrounding the President’s academic history.

Reno Omokri, a prominent figure on social media, brought attention to this matter. In a tweet, he pointed out that Adeniji can be identified in the 1979 yearbook of Chicago State University. Omokri further highlighted Adeniji’s picture in red, providing a visual confirmation of his claims.Olajide Adeniji Steps Forward As A Former Classmate With President Bola Tinubu'S 2

Several media outlets have picked up on this story, emphasizing the importance of factual representation and the role of such affidavits in verifying information. As the news spreads, many are keen to learn more about Adeniji’s relationship with President Tinubu and any additional insights he might offer about their time at Chicago State University.

With this new piece of evidence in the public domain, it is expected that discussions about President Tinubu’s educational background will take a new turn. The affirmation by Adeniji not only provides clarity but also underscores the significance of factual representation in today’s information age.

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