
Portable Acquires A Brand-New N30 Million Ride

Not too long after his G Wagon was wrecked, popular singer and heavyweight champion Portable, has added a brand-new 2021 Lexus RX350 luxury version to his quickly expanding garage. The musician celebrated the purchase of his new vehicle by flaunting the fleet on his Instagram page.

He expressed gratitude to God for the blessing while posting a picture of his brand-new Lexus’ interior. Inscribed into the picture which was shared on his Instagram story, Portable said that when one door shuts, another one will undoubtedly open for him, alluding to the passing of his old automobile.

Portable Acquires A Brand-New N30 Million Ride 2

Additionally, Portable revealed his New Year’s resolution. The musician claimed on his Instagram page that although he has no ill will toward anyone, he is determined to keep his distance from those who don’t recognize his value.

He asserted that he will only be loyal to people who do the same. Portable also had a word for his fans, advising them to prevent themselves from collapsing when someone leaves their life by strengthen themselves with their own resources.

He stressed how crucial it is to prevent someone from assuming a position of utmost significance. The singer also expressed his strong conviction that God is the only truly exceptional being.

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