
Rassie Commended For Criticizing French Boss With Regard To Siya Kolisi’s Comments

Rassie Erasmus, the coach of the Springboks, has received accolades for standing by his players in the face of criticism on multiple occasions.

This time, Jacky Lorenzetti, the manager of Racing 92, France, fat-shamed captain Siya Kolisi. The rugby player is alleged to have put on weight and become less performance-focused. After departing from his Durban squad, the Sharks, Siya inked a three-year contract with the organization last year.

Rassie Erasmus reaffirmed Siya Kolisi’s captaincy for the forthcoming Castle Lager Incoming Series, which begins next weekend, at a media briefing on Wednesday, June 26.Ireland, one of South Africa’s fiercest opponents, will face the team on July 6 and July 13 at Loftus Versfeld and Hollywoodbets Kings Park, respectively.

“Siya will be captain, Siya will play six flank, Siya is fit and has no injury,” Rassie said to reporters.

With a cheeky smile, the Bok captain continued, “Siya is NOT fat and NOT transparent.”

Rassie had been referring to remarks made by Jacky Lorenzetti, the owner of Racing 92, regarding Siya Kolisi’s most recent performance at the team. The French club manager, who was speaking to Midi Olympique, had harsh words for the captain of the Springboks. This includes remarks that the 33-year-old was overweight and unfit.

Tweeps quickly noticed Rassie’s jibe at the French manager, as they applauded the coach for helping Siya get through a trying time.

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