
Rethabile Khumalo Discharged From The Hospital After Poisoning Scare

Just recently, we reported that the singer Raethabile Khumalo was admitted to the hospital after allegedly being poisoned. Well, there is a piece of good news to the story as we write: She has been discharged from the hospital.

Her mother Winnie Khumalo caused a stir a while back when she posted on Instagram that her daughter was poisoned by a friend and had to be rushed to the hospital. She didn’t name the friend.

The fact that Rethabile was poisoned was only what most people focused on as they called for the said friend to be exposed and prayed for a quick recovery for the singer.

Well, it appears like their prayers have been answered after all, as the singer has finally been discharged and can now go back to living a normal life – the same experience she had until tragedy struck.

The news of Rethabile’s discharge from the hospital was shared by her mother, who had earlier apprised fans of the incident. She not only informed fans that the singer is back home, but she also thanked them for their support. See the post below.

It will be interesting to see when Reathbile will be active online again and what she will say about the incident.

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