
Robbie Malinga Jr Says He’s “One Of Most Misunderstood Nepo Babies” On Reality Show

Robbie Malinga Jr., the son of the late musician Robbie Malinga, is an aspiring musician known for his luxurious lifestyle. He has faced controversy for taking over his father’s Instagram account and sharing content showcasing his extravagant lifestyle with luxury clothing and cars. Malinga Jr. is part of the reality TV show ‘Born Into Fame,’ which focuses on the lives of celebrity kids following in the footsteps of their famous parents.

“Nothing much has changed over the years. I have and still am at the forefront, in terms of the public image, of my family’s legacy. I run everything in front of the public eye. Back then it used to be my dad but now I’ve taken over,”

“Losing my dad at 16 was quite difficult. I was in grade 10 and I had to navigate life without him. I then got to matric and he was not there… he wasn’t there to see me get that far in my schooling.

“Fortunately, I managed to get there with the support of my mother [Ann Malinga] – she has been my rock through it all.”

“My mother helped build me into the man I am today. She’s actually the head of the house. She hustles for my sister and I. She makes sure things are still running smoothly when it comes to providing for us,”

“When my dad died, she made sure that the love at home was still the same as when he was still alive.”

Recently, he has gained recognition under the rap alias Rob Mally. He remains unfazed despite anticipating criticism from viewers of the new reality show. Shamiso Mosaka, Tank The Rock Star, Phila Madlingozi, AJ, and Owami Mafokate are also on the reality show.

“I feel like the show will show people a different view of who I am as opposed to what they see on social media. They make their conclusion based on pictures that I post and with this show, they’ll get to learn and know my character and who I am. They’ll get to see how down-to-earth I am,”

“The show itself is a different dynamic… it’s something I haven’t done before especially shooting with a lot of people. It was quite fascinating getting to learn my cast mates’ background and their personalities, and the common things we share as kids of famous people. I’m glad that I got to be myself around them. Overall, we’re all having so much fun.”

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