
SADTU Balks Over Siviwe Gwarube’s Appointment As New Basic Education Minister

One thing about politics is that whatever you do or whatever decisions you take, you won’t end up pleasing or impressing everyone. There will be some that will object to your moves or even complain about the same.

This is a universal reality and the story of one or a particular country. It manifests now and again, with South Africa proven the latest example.

South Africans went to the polls on May 29 and elected several officials, with the ruling African National Congress (ANC) failing to get a clear majority in the election.

From its usual comfortable 60 per cent majority, the ANC’s numbers plummeted to 40 per cent, indicating the people’s weariness with the current government.

Given this slump in numbers, the ANC had to form a national unity government comprising other political parties, including the Democratic Alliance, which is seen as the biggest opposition party in the country.

Also, as part of the unity government, power has to be shared with other parties, including the DA.  But the government announcement of the the appointment of the DA’s parliamentary chief whip Siviwe Gwarube as the new Basic Education Minister in the national unity government has drawn the ire of the South African Democratic Teachers Union (SADTU), the largest body of teachers in the Rainbow Nation.

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