
Sentle Lehoko On Wilson B Nkosi’s 30-Year Gala

When you are good at what you do, chances of your being honoured for your contribution are pretty high, as we see again and again. The latest example comes from South Africa, where many recently convened to celebrate Wilson B Nkosi’s 30-year gala.

Wilson B Nkosi is one of the oldies in the trenches of South African radio, having spent three decades on the beat – an impressive run by any standards. Thus his being honoured is in no way surprising.

Well, an event was put together to celebrate this milestone and it will bring together some of the industry’s other notables, including Metro FM’s Sentle Lehoko, who had a few words to share about the event.

While Sentle and Wilson B. Nkosi are not exactly contemporaries, they seemed to share a similar faith in the industry experiencing remarkable growth, as well as attracting talents beyond South Africa. Every industry member, of course, has a role to play in this – and should do just that.

With three decades in the industry already, Nkosi has played some part in this regard. Now the Rainbow Nation appears ready to roll out the drum for him.

The event celebrating him will take place on June 29 at the Event Centre Court in Kempton.

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