
Sir Trill Calls Out Unnamed Producer For Sabotage

Amapiano artist Sir Trill, also known as Mzwakhe Tumelo Zwane, recently made news when he shared on social media that an unnamed producer is causing problems for him. Sir Trill said the producer is making it hard for him to release new songs. He explained on Instagram that his latest project is facing delays because other artists are pulling out at the last minute due to this producer’s influence.

Although Sir Trill didn’t mention the producer’s name, many people in Mzansi believe it could be DJ Maphorisa, also known as ‘Grootman’. Sir Trill suggested that he hasn’t been able to release new music because the unnamed producer is preventing him from doing so. He claimed several artists didn’t want to work with him because of this producer’s influence.

Sir Trill posted,

“It won’t change the fact that I know the person you are, and I will never respect you or kiss your back. I’m one kid who won’t kiss your back or buy your stuff. I’d rather quit than kiss your back. So you are so scared of what I can become without you.”

“You are scared that I am him. You are scared that I can be a better you one day,”

The internet post has received many comments and reactions. Netizens in South Africa quickly shared their thoughts on social media. Mzansi alleged that Sir Trill was with BlaqBoy Music, which DJ Maphorisa owns. In recent years, Maphorisa has faced controversies, including gatekeeping and exploitation allegations. A well-known producer and singer, Prince Kaybee, told Sir Trill to deal directly with the person accused of being a gatekeeper.

The DJ wrote,

‘Face another man head-on when you have a problem. Going through the corners is a tedious process,”

Sir Trill previously shared about his struggles. He had a shot at fame as an independent artist but reportedly signed with a record label that exploited him. In February 2023, he revealed that he was not receiving any payment for his hits and admitted to being mistreated by several people. He took this to social media to express his feelings.

“It’s tiring and mentally damaging. So many hits, and I’ve never seen a cent. I’m tired.”

“Never been an artist that talks much or exposes much. This will be a joke to some of you, which I understand. But it’s mentally damaging and exhausting. What are we working so much for?”

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