
Somizi & Shauwn Mkhize Show Off Expensive Louis Vuitton Bags

They are united by their love for fashion, high-end brands and the good life, and they are not ashamed to amplify their reality before the world. That’s Somizi and Shauwn Mkhize for you.

The two are friends and more than happy to flex their possessions before here Rainbow Nation. Well, they were at it again recently.

In a clip shared by the popular gossip blog MDN News, the two could be seen together in what appears to be one of the duo’s apartment. Somizi wore white shorts and a polo of the same hue.

For her part. Shauwn Mkhize rocked a black top and shorts of the same hue. both of their outfits were designed by Louis Vuitton and bore the logo of the luxury brand.

However, it was on the bags that most South Africans focused on. The apartment was strewn with bags of Louis Vuitton make, including a Bondouliere 45, Horizon 55s and 70s.

All the bags in the clip are reportedly valued at millions of rands. We cannot independently verify this, though. See the post below

The two possessing such wouldn’t even surprise those who know them. Their lives revolve around luxury and showing off the same regardless of what people think or say.

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