
Soyinka Makes Fun Of Obasanjo For Making Oyo Monarchs Stand Up To Greet Him

Professor Wole Soyinka, a Nobel laureate, is not afraid to hurl punches when the situation calls for it. And he always takes advantage of every opportunity to do so, often employing his literary knowledge.

On Saturday, September 23, 2023, the distinguished writer delivered a blow to the former President Olusegun Obasanjo, albeit with a sense of humour, employing satire and allusion to convey his message.

Nonetheless, an important component of the presentation was that every attendee in the hall, which was packed to capacity, received an autographed copy of the beautifully crafted hardcover.

As Soyinka, the occasion’s Chairman, was about to begin his speech, he took advantage of the chance to strike, with his unique sense of satire. Recently, Obasanjo came under fire for telling some traditional leaders in the Southwest to stand and greet him. Obasanjo was seen commanding the royal fathers to stand up and greet him in a viral video, and they complied.

On Friday, September 15, the event took place at the opening of the College of Agricultural Science and Renewable Natural Resources, Iseyin, at Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH). The traditional leaders from Oke-Ogun, Ibadan, Oyo, and Ibarapa received verbal attacks from the former president for not standing as the governor and he ascended the podium to deliver their addresses. He also accused them of showing disrespect to “constituted authority” for their “nonchalance.”

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