
Teaser: New Music From Usimamane

It is almost a tradition these days for musicians to tease songs before releasing them. A number of reasons are given for this, including whetting the appetite of fans.

Well, one person who isn’t averse to this tradition is Usimamane. He recently illuminated this reality with a post on his Instagram page. He is gearing up to release new music and decided to give fans a glimpse into the tune.

In his Instagram post, he shared the teaser with a double red heart emoji, indicating his love for the imminent tune, as well as faith in the public loving the number as well.

The last time we checked, the post had been liked over 21k times, indicating that it resonated with many of his fans. The comment section also amplified this.

In the comments, fans expressed their delight in the teased tune, as well as their desire to see the full song. Some wanted to know exactly when the full song will be released, but there is no information on that yet. See the post below.

While there is no information about the song’s release yet, we are certainly following events keenly and will share the song with you on release.

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