
Thingo At 16: Senzo Meyiwa’s Lookalike Daughter Charms Mzansi

Were Senzo Meyiwa alive today, he would certainly be pleased and impressed with how much his daughter Thingo has grown and how like him she looks.

Thingo is the product of the local goalie’s relationship with Kelly Khumalo. Sadly, he was killed soon after, never to see his daughter grow into an adult.

Well, as she turned 16, many eyes turned on her, with many South Africans pointing to the striking physical similarity she has with her father and how wonderful it would have been if he were alive to see this himself.

Well, besides the great physical similarity. it also happens that Thingo has developed her father’s love for football. Not too long ago, her mother Kelly had shared a clip of Thingo juggling a ball much like her father would do.

Th effortless ease with which she did that had many South Africans praising her skills and some asking when she would join South Africa’s national female team.

It is unclear if Thingo would end up taking football seriously like her father had done when he was alive. Whatever she eventually decided to be professionally, she’ll still have many of her compatriots talking about her as the daughter of Senzo Meyiwa

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