
Twitter Rival Threads Launched But Not In Europe

The potential fight between Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk will not stop the former from doing what he has always wanted to do – establish a rival to Twitter. In fact, he’s just done that, launching Threads to great excitement across the world.

Yesterday, Wednesday, July 5, the TRhreads app went live on the Apple and Android app stores, giving users of both operating systems an avenue to explore the app for all it is worth. The app is, however, not yet available in Europe.

Privacy concerns and other issues have delayed the release of the app in Europe. And according to reports, it doesn’t appear that will be resolved immediately or soon. Analysts point to a resolution taking months. So, until then, Meta’s Thread may not make it to the EU.

Thread is a semblance of an Instagram spin-off, offering seamless integration with the older app, using the audience it already has on Instagram.

For Instance, one could easily get the same handle one already has on Instagram (assuming it has not been taken) and also automatically import bios from Instagram. Jack Appleby gives an example of this seamless interface in the accompanying video.

Well, it will be interesting to see how Threads weaves a new social media experience for the world.

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