
Zulu Boy Mocks Local Healer Over “Mad” Threats

Not everyone has the confidence to face off with a sangoma and just give them the middle finger. Well, South African musician Zulu Boy is one of the exceptions.

A little drama played out online recently, involving the songster and a local healer or sangoma, Mpamehlangene.

Zulu Boy accused Mpamehlangene of being a thief, as well as made other damaging allegations against him. Those words infuriated the sangoma was resorted to threatening Zulu Boy.

Reacting to Zulu Boy’s callout that he, Mpamehlangene, “is a thief,” the sangoma had threatened to use muthi – or local charms,m if you please – to drive Zulu Boy mad.

Ordinarily, such a threat would have provoked fear in the hearts of people. But Zulu Boy was unmoved by it all.

Instead, he scoffed at the threats, contemptuously pointing out that Mpamehlangene is a thief and can’t do anything to him. With such boldness, it is now left to Mpamehlangene to make good his threats.

The thing is, if he failed to make good his threats, he might become an object of mockery, with some people still running around with Zulu Boy’s description of him.

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