
Zulu King Misuzulu ka Zwelithini To Be Crowned Today

The formal coronation of the Zulu King Misuzulu ka Zwelithini will take place today, Saturday, August 20, in South Africa.

The coronation comes on the heels of a successful lion hunt the king had the other day. According to multiple reports, which we picked, the king had killed a lion that would be used for the formal entering of the kraal.

The kill had gone viral on social media and elicited mixed reactions. According to some supporters of the king, the kill was a big win, and they ended up calling him Bayede Dawg. However, some social media users expressed scepticism about the king killing the lion.

Whatever the case, the coronation of the new Zulu king is taking place today as scheduled. For his coronation, he is expected to wear the hide of the lion he had reportedly killed days ago. His wearing the hide is to prove that he’s indeed the chosen king of the 11-million Zulu nation.

A month after his official coronation, the new king will be hosted by the South African government in a state ceremony.

It was a tough battle making it this far, as some royals had disputed his choice as king. According to those opposing Misuzulu’s kingship, the will making him king was forged.

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