
Song Review: Leigh-Anne’s Solo Debut, “Don’t Say Love”

A Bold Statement of Authenticity and Self-Discovery


Leigh-Anne Pinnock, a member of the successful British girl group Little Mix, has embarked on her solo journey with her debut single “Don’t Say Love”. The song, produced by Jon Bellion and Pete Nappi, is a high-energy dance track that showcases Leigh-Anne’s vocal prowess and her ability to deliver a powerful message through her music.Song Review: Leigh-Anne's Solo Debut, "Don't Say Love" 2

Musicality and Lyrics

“Don’t Say Love” is a fusion of dance and UK garage, with elements of R&B, Amapiano, Afrobeats, and pop. The track’s high-energy beat is infectious, making it a perfect summer anthem. The lyrics, co-written by Aldae, are a plea for authenticity in love. Leigh-Anne sings about wanting her lover to be sure of their feelings before making promises of love. She also expresses her desire for something real, a sentiment that resonates with many listeners.

Message and Impact

The song is a powerful statement about self-confidence and authenticity. Leigh-Anne has stated that “Don’t Say Love” is about no longer seeking external validation and regaining her confidence in a world where she often felt misunderstood and unheard. This message of self-discovery and self-assuredness is a strong one, especially for a solo debut.

The Music Video

The music video for “Don’t Say Love” is a visual representation of Leigh-Anne finding her voice. It features futuristic elements and Leigh-Anne in a sparkling sequinned leotard, symbolizing her emergence as a solo artist. The video also includes scenes of Leigh-Anne resisting her dancers, signifying her struggle to escape feelings of being overlooked and undervalued. A scene where she jumps from a skyscraper into a body of water signifies rebirth and letting go of pain.


The song has been well-received by fans and critics alike. It has been praised for its catchy beat, clear vocals, and the strong message it conveys. The music video has also been commended for its visual representation of Leigh-Anne’s journey of self-discovery.


While the song has been largely well-received, some critics have suggested that Leigh-Anne needs to differentiate her sound more from that of Little Mix. They argue that a more bass-heavy sound or a shift towards R&B pop could help her stand out from her peers.


Leigh-Anne’s debut single “Don’t Say Love” is a strong introduction to her as a solo artist. The song’s catchy beat, powerful lyrics, and the message of self-confidence and authenticity it conveys make it a standout track. Despite some criticism about the need for a more distinct sound, Leigh-Anne’s solo debut is a promising start to her solo career. It will be interesting to see how she continues to evolve and express her individuality in her future work.

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